求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的 详情是下面

时间:2024-06-15 21:39 作者:admin 分类:旅游路线 浏览:0

米思出国英语Hello, Mr. James. I am Wang Li. I am glad to tell you something about a travel routine you may be interested in. The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) .Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. (不带开头已给单词 97wors)

The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. 这句话使用了2个定语从句(that 定从, where 定从)使用从句可以让你的写作看起来更加的正式,表示了你对对方的尊重。

You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) . 这是一个and 并列句,把“路上的时间”和“长途汽车票价”连接了起来,and并列句的好处是把一些“零碎的信息”连接起来,不至于让信息显得太琐碎。

Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. 这里使用了一个状语从句,和一个同位语,它们的好处是可以包含丰富的信息,这样可以更加详细介绍“四季酒店”。

It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. 结尾使用了2个简单句,简洁明了的做个总结。

不带开头已给单词 97wors)

A Trip to the Ocean Park

My parents and I went to the ocean park last Sunday.We went by bus.We left home at 8:00am and got there at 8:30am.There were a lot of people in the park,boys and girls ,young and old are everywhere.We saw many colorful and strange fishes.But what's most interesting was watching the dolphin show.It was on at 3:00pm.The lovely dolphins jumped out of the water suddenly and dived under the water again quickly.Then they swam close to the ball and suddenly hit it with their noses.Soon they began to dance with music.

Wow!How amazing it was!It was a nice trip.






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